Sarah Green

South Coast Prevention Manager (currently on leave)

Sarah grew up in the South Coast region and now raises her family here, enjoying the incredible lifestyle and opportunities it provides. Sarah has worked in the health promotion space in Victoria and Western Australia on a number of diverse projects. Ensuring the community has a voice in the decisions that affect them and the area they live is important to her.

Beth Allan

Acting South Coast Prevention Manager

Beth enjoys taking a place-based and collaborative approach to primary prevention initiatives to achieve better health outcomes for communities in the South Coast. In addition to currently leading the South Coast Prevention Team, Beth is also supporting local early childhood services create healthier environments for children, staff and families through her work implementing Smiles 4 Miles.

Georgina Maxwell

Health Promotion Officer

Georgina enjoys working with a team that strives to improve the health and wellbeing of her local community. She also enjoys working in partnership to achieve better health outcomes across the South Coast. Georgina is supporting local schools and outside of school hours care through The Achievement Program and Vic Kids Eat Well initiative.