Smoking and Vaping

We all deserve a clean, safe and healthy environment. Preventing the uptake and harms of smoking and vaping helps people to live healthier and longer lives. The South Coast Prevention Team work with settings in Bass Coast and South Gippsland Shire to prevent and reduce smoking and vaping related harm. This includes working with workplaces, schools and early childhood services to implement the Smoking and Vaping area of the Achievement Program.
Vaping Prevention in Secondary Schools
The South Coast Prevention Team support secondary schools in Bass Coast and South Gippsland to deliver a whole-school approach to prevent vaping.
The team support secondary schools in the South Coast through the actions outlined in the Prevention Toolkit for Secondary Schools. The toolkit supports the application of a whole-school approach to prevent vaping. This includes policy review, display of ‘No Smoking or Vaping’ signs, resources for parents and carers, and vaping prevention education resources that can be implemented across the school curriculum.
Useful school resources:
• Checklist for schools
• Get the facts on vaping
• Seeing Through the Haze school curriculum resources
• Smoking and vaping signage
• Talking to your teen about vaping
• Vaping support flyer for young people
Useful Resources and Links
• Achievement Program
• Get the facts on vaping
• No Smoking or Vaping signs, guides and factsheets
• Quit Victoria
• Talking to your teen about vaping
• Uncloud
• Victorian Smokefree Legislation
• World No Tobacco Day
The evaluation data strongly indicates the Prevention of Vaping and E-cigarette Use in Secondary Schools initiatives was a needed and successful endeavour. The initiative significantly impacted students’ perception, knowledge and behaviours towards vaping by providing a platform for discussion, engagement, and access to current information and resources.
Whilst the initiative has now ended, the team continue to support secondary schools in the South Coast through the actions outlined in the Prevention Toolkit for Secondary Schools.