Outside School Hours Care

The South Coast Prevention Team work together with outside school hours care (OSHC) across Bass Coast and South Gippsland to create healthier environments for students, staff and the wider community. Using a whole of service approach to health enables long-term changes to be supported. If you have an idea to improve the health of your OSHC and would like the support of our team to achieve it please contact us.

Vic Kids Eat Well

Vic Kids Eat Well initiative is an exciting new state-wide movement that’s focused on boosting healthy food and drink options in the places children spend their time, including schools, outside school hours care, sports clubs, recreation facilities and council operated facilities. By harnessing the power of community and taking these simple steps together, we can create change to give all kids across Victoria the healthy start they deserve.

Who is eligible to participate?

All Outside School Hours Care in Victoria are eligible to participate. The program is free.

What are the benefits of participating?

• Implement simple changes and healthy swaps that support students to learn and thrive
• Assistance to meet the healthy eating requirements of the National Quality Standard, Quality Area 2 - Children’s Health and Safety
• Receive tailored one-on-one support from a local Health Promoter
• Be rewarded for every small bite you complete
• Receive recognition for creating a healthy environment.

To learn more about Vic Kids Eat Well click here.

Achievement Program

The Achievement Program is a health and wellbeing framework that helps to create healthier environments in Victorian education settings for their students, staff and families. It is centred around six key health areas, which include:
• Healthy Eating and Oral Health
• Physical Activity and Movement
• Mental Health and Wellbeing
• Sun Protection
• Safe Environments
• Smoking, Vaping, Alcohol and Other Drugs.

Who is eligible to participate?

All OSHC in Victoria are eligible to participate. The program is free.

As OSHC is classified as an early childhood service by the Victorian Government Department of Education and Training, OSCH fall under the Healthy Early Childhood Services Achievement Program.

What are the benefits of participating?

• Alignment to key policies and guidelines including the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, the National Quality Standard and Quality Improvement Plans
• Access to an online portal containing resources, tools and information to work through our program health areas
• Receive tailored one-on-one support from a local Health Promoter
• Celebration of your OSHC in local media
• Victorian Government recognition.

To learn more about the Achievement Program click here.


The South Coast Prevention Team create a newsletter for education settings in the Bass Coast and South Gippsland shires. These newsletters are filled with ideas and resources to help improve the health and wellbeing of students, staff and families.

Subscribe here.